Jewelry RepairJust like a vehicle, regular check-ups and maintenance allow you to wear your jewelry with little worry. Jewelry repair is essential in maintaining your jewelry.
Dan learned jewelry repair using the fusion method (no solder) and is a strong advocate for doing gold repairs patiently and properly with this method. Why? Have you ever had a ring sized and then within time have a crack develop or notice the band looks a little thinner? This is common in solder method sizing. Fusion allows us to melt gold into gold. We've found that this is the best and most durable sizing method. We also offer repairs using a laser welder. This method allows precision repairs in all precious metals and sizing on typically un-sizeable silver jewelry. We offer a variety of repair options including:
Jewelry RestorationAs is often the case, regular maintenance can easily be overlooked. When this happens more extensive repairs are needed and, in some cases, a full restoration is required.
With technological advances, more extensive restoration has become a viable option with vintage and inherited jewelry. Please refer to the image to the side for a before and after of a full restoration we completed. |